Champagne Fountain & Food/Dessert Tiered Trays & Set-Up

Champagne Fountain & Food/Dessert Tiered Trays & Set-Up
Apex Fountains & Apex Tiered Trays - 'On Beach'
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Monday, December 7, 2015

Beverage Fountain Recipes: Iced Tea & 'Mocktails' & Kid-Friendly Punch (Alcohol Free) Edition

Follow Fountain Punch Recipes's board Iced Tea & 'Mocktails' & Kid-Friendly Punch Recipes (alcohol free) on Pinterest.

 When I think of a 'Mocktail' - Shirley Temple has always come to mind...

Shirley Temple is a non-alcoholic mixed drink traditionally made with ginger ale, a splash of grenadine and garnished with a maraschino cherry. [1][2][3][4][5]Modern Shirley Temple recipes may substitute lemon-lime soda or lemonade and sometimes orange juice in part, or in whole.[6][7]
Shirley Temples are often served to children dining with adults in lieu of real cocktails, as is the similar Roy Rogers.
The cocktail may have been invented by a bartender at Chasen's, a restaurant in Beverly HillsCalifornia, to serve then child actress Shirley Temple. Other claims to its origin, however, have been made.[8][9]

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